Dear families,

All year long our students benefit from access to healthy nutritious snacks thanks to generous support from Nutrition for Learning.  This program aligns well with the WRDSB focus on well-being and happy tummies also support student learning.

Hungry students come to the office to take what they need after eating their food from home.  Our Alpine Alligators have been remarkably respectful and we have had very little waste.  We definitely have a need in our school community with an average of 100 items per day being consumed.

Our responsibility as a school is to hold one fundraiser per year.  Next year, all proceeds from popcorn sales will support Nutrition For Learning.

For this year’s fundraiser, over the next few days, we are asking our families to donate loose change to support this valuable program.  Donations of any size are greatly appreciated and will be collected in the office.

Thank you,


Ms Givlin