safeTALK training available for WRDSB parents & guardians

As part of our system goals to supporting student & staff wellness, we are pleased to offer safeTALK training for parents/guardians of the WRDSB. What is safeTALK? safeTALK is a three-hour alertness workshop that prepares participants, regardless of prior experience or training, to become a suicide alert helper. What are the goals and objectives of […]

PA Day – Friday, September 23

This is a reminder of our scheduled Professional Activity (PA) Day this Friday – Friday, September 23, 2016. There will be no school for WRDSB students. All elementary and secondary employee groups will be focusing on the new WRDSB Strategic Plan, School Improvement Planning, and Health and Safety Training. This will drive the work and […]

Principal Update – September 21, 2016

Dear Parents and Guardians: We are always pleased to welcome new students to Alpine and have now reached 300 students. I am delighted to share that, due to our increased numbers and very large junior classes, we have been allocated another junior class and teacher. We will be reorganizing our school effective Monday, September 26, […]

School Council Agenda for Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Please see the attached agenda for our first school council meeting of the year.  All are welcome! alpineschoolcouncilagenda-sept-282016

Introducing Tammy Lyn Cowan, our Community Resource Worker from Carizon!

Tammy Lyn’s video introduction We are very fortunate at Alpine to have weekly support from a community resource worker.  Ms Cowan will be at Alpine on Tuesday mornings and is looking forward to offering Tools For Life boosters to our classes and supporting parents in many different ways including being a listening ear. Referrals are […]

Principal Update – September 13, 2016

Dear Alpine families, It has been another great week at Alpine! Families visiting on Meet-The-Teacher were warmly greeted by School Council members and encouraged to join council and support us in building an even stronger community and planning next steps for a new playground.  Miss Whistance’s percussion instruments proved very popular and beautiful music was […]

Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is looking for new members!

The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) invites parents/guardians of students currently enrolled in a Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) school and community members to apply for positions on the WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee. The mandate for the WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee is to: Provide information and advice on parent engagement to the WRDSB; Communicate with and […]

September 9, 2016 Principal Update

Dear Alpine families, What a great first week we have had!  Kudos to our amazing staff who had everything ready to go despite not getting into the building until the last week before school started due to the construction.  We are missing our blinds (especially during this very hot week) but otherwise the construction is complete. We […]

Welcome to the 2016-17 School Year

Dear Parents, Guardians, and WRDSB Community Members, It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the 2016-17 school year. Successful learning relies on strong partnerships between school, home and community. Our staff work hard to ensure students achieve success through a variety of programs and resources that meet the needs of each student. […]

September 1, 2016

It is wonderful to see our students and parents coming to check out the class lists which were posted today at 1:00 p.m.  They will remain up over the weekend to accommodate families who are on holidays. Our website is the primary source of information – click on the link below for an early look […]

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