Dear Parents and Guardians:

We are always pleased to welcome new students to Alpine and have now reached 300 students. I am delighted to share that, due to our increased numbers and very large junior classes, we have been allocated another junior class and teacher. We will be reorganizing our school effective Monday, September 26, 2016 and at this time will also be able to change two of our split primary classes to straight grades.  Our new organization will be as follows:

K1 C. Martell, F. Kennery 2B C. James
K2 L. Becker, C. Eidt, C. Kraehling 3A N. Williamson
K3 L. Marshall, B. Linkletter 3-4A R. Abshoff-Millar
1A E. Jackson 4 A. Fraser
1B K. Barrett 5 New teacher (in portable)
2A C. Hughes 5-6A S. Ramdeholl
5-6B B. Calvert

 Our teaching staff has created the new class lists with great care to set students up for success.  Students who are changing classes were notified today at school and are bringing home this letter (with a sticker attached with new placement as appropriate) to inform parents.  Tomorrow, we will work together to move students’ belongings to new classrooms at the end of the day so that on Monday the new classes will be ready to go (Friday is a PA day with no school for students).  

Until we are able to hire our permanent grade 5 teacher, Miss Kortney Weichel, one of our valued occasional teachers who did an LTO in grades 3/4 last year, will be teaching the new grade 5 class.  Miss Weichel will have tremendous support from our junior teaching staff to ensure continuity in teaching and learning for our grade 5 students.

We are very grateful for this opportunity to lower our class sizes so we can offer more attention and support to each of our students.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at the office.  Your support in helping your child embrace the positive aspects and also sharing with me any challenges that arise are welcome and appreciated as we work through this transition together.


Rita Givlin