November 14th, 2016
It is a great day to check the back packs! Progress reports were handed out today. If you wish to book an interview with your child’s teacher, you can do so on SchoolDay.
School Council’s MacMillan’s Fundraising order forms also went home today! Your support with this fundraiser is greatly appreciated. We are hoping that the majority of our families will be able to support in some way, no matter how small. I hear the products are delicious and am personally looking forward to trying the cookies and pierogies. Orders are due November 29, 2016.
We had our first Safe, Caring and Inclusive School Team meeting today. Thanks to Gloria Vaughn, one of our supportive parents, Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. Becker, Mrs. MacLeod and 4 of our awesome and articulate students we have a plan for moving forward. Overall, the feedback for our school is very positive. Our students stand up to bullying and seek help from adults when necessary. Three areas where students feel less safe are on the playground, in the washrooms and in the classroom at nutrition breaks – times of the day when there is lower adult to student ratio. The students were adamant that the behaviour in the washrooms needs to improve! They are drafting expectations including flush and wash your hands! Our team will meet again on November 28th to determine how we will share the expectations and how to measure the impact of the steps we take. It was a delight to see our students capably reading the survey results and considering the challenge of using math to determine the effectiveness of our next steps. Math truly is everywhere!
Thanks to our energetic librarian, Mrs. MacLeod, the book fair is running this week from November 16-18. Each class will have a chance to visit. Parents are welcome to purchase books as well.
I will be at school on Thursday evening and Friday afternoon. Feel free to drop by the office to say hello.
If you are not already doing so, please follow us on Twitter @alpwrdsb